Monday, December 10, 2007

a pretty heavy entry for the last one of 2007

I was going to post at least two more times before I head out for break but the sinus infection that has been brewing for the last two weeks finally hit me full force. I'm on a high dosage of an antibiotic that should get me pretty well before I hope on the plane home early next week.
This week a weird week. Mon-Wed are classes (with Tuesday being a Thursday schedule). Thursday is a study day followed by finals days on Friday and Saturday (3 time slots per day, 9-12, 2-5, 7-10). Sunday is another study day with Monday and Tuesday rounding out the days for finals. Wednesday of next week is the last day in the halls but if you're lucky you can leave before hand.

I've got a paper due tomorrow, one due Friday, and exam Saturday afternoon and a paper due next Monday...but I'm rearranging so that I'll be homeward bound by Monday afternoon.
Between now and then, I also have a few other things to figure out. First, how to sleep enough to get this sinus infection gone. I guess that's what Thursday is fore.

Second, what am I going to do about my roommate situation!??!

Marija, my current roomie, is moving into her sorority which means I have a few options:
1) Find another roommate on campus to move in with or to have move in with me
2) Wait and get placed with a returning, transfer, or international student
3) Hope that all the returning, transfer, or international students are placed elsewhere and get to keep my double as a single.

So far I've been employing option #3 because I didn't want to think about but today I got a letter from Residential Life saying I needed to find someone. I've made a few calls. We'll see...
I've also been having some issue with study abroad. Beloit tries to get 55% of students to study abroad but it's getting harder and harder with less money for the number for the number of students and programs being cut (mostly at the local level).

This has hit me in a different way that this school hasn't ever had to do before: wait listing.

There are two deadlines, one each semester, and usually the fall deadline gets less than 30 applicants. This semester the Study Abroad Office received 87. Because of this, they got nit-picky. By next semester's deadline (Feb 1) I have to write a supplement about what Environmental Studies classes I plan to take here at Beloit before and after studying abroad. When I wrote the first application I didn't know what courses were available for this semester so my application was weak in that area.

I can write that over the semester break, though.
Question: Could a Christmas Medley of Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby get any better?!
Answer: No.