Sunday, September 16, 2007

Trapped in Beloit

I've decided to carry my camera around more this semester because my first year here at Bel-wah wasn't documented all that well.

On Friday my Botany class took a walking field trip to the Turtle Creek Floodplain which is about a mile off campus.

Had we walked another mile we would've made it to the movie theater, Starbucks, Jimmy John's, Culver's, Wal*Mart, Menards and the Hormell plant. They're all close to campus but just a bit far to walk (especially since the sidewalk ends at one point). Luckily, every few weeks, a van does errands to the stores down there for free.

Along the way I took some photos of other plants which made my fried Rhiannon and I a little behind the rest. We caught up in time to hear Yaffa, the professor, explain the lab we were doing.

Look! A rubber plant from someone's yard!

We wandered in the old fields and down to the riverbank while being eaten alive by mosquitoes. The real point was to see how the land has changed since it was abandoned and turned into a park. We could see where fields used to be and the succession of the plants.

The white flowers to the left are Late-Flowering Thoroughworts which we focused on for our lab. It looks like each bundle is a flower but really over a dozen packed together smaller than my thumb nail.

That night, after watching half of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the 204750294385th time, Allison and I bundled up and sat outside in 35 degree weather in the new amiptheater to watch Chapters 1-22 of R. Kelly's Hip-Hopera "Trapped in the Closet".

We cheered, boo'd and had appropriate reactions to it all. By about chapter 17, Allison and I had drunk all of our Earl Grey tea and were frozen so we went back to my room to thaw.

That’s us trying to be gangsta. We were supposed to be representin’ the MW (mid-west) but our hands got cut off. Oh well.

I’ve got a paper to write, bed to make, and dinner to find (Sunday nights we’re on our own!)!!

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