Tuesday, February 5, 2008

slip 'n slide!

I complain of the weather often.
And I’m sorry.
But seriously, Mid-West, warm temperatures + ice rain + below zero + 9 inches of snow over night?

Enough, enough. I resolve to complain of the weather no longer in this post although it did make walking to downtown a bit of an adventure this morning.

My Environment and Society classes headed down to the new headquarters of Beloit 2020, the civic committee who have been revamping Beloit for the past 19 years. We got to wander a bit through the fabulous displays of what has been changed and what is to come. I highly recommend getting a peak at it [even through the windows] if you’re visiting Beloit.

In Environment and Society class, at the moment, we are focusing on Beloit as an ecosystem. We’re all researching various topics of sustainability and human-environment interaction. Most of the presentation we saw was about what changes have happened and are going to happen. With this in mind, during the after-question-session many of us asked of specific green/sustainable plans being implemented in town.

Though the students are quite keen on these new technologies, current in-chargers [is that even a word?] don’t seem to have the background to want to use them. Sure, local small-city politics play a role but it’s about individual initiative!

There may be a local produce market coming in but, again, there is a lack of interdisciplinary-mediary types to move these sorts of small business along. Oh, and the whole “we-need-money-to-do-anything” aspect too…

This is a plea to you who read this; we need people well versed in multiple interpretative communities if anything is to get done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A really good blog entry. When I can focus again, I'll read all the inks and references.
