Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snowwwwwww.

I was only off by 24 hours! By Sunday night we had about 2 inches of snow on the ground here in Beloit with an additional inch by morning.

December 1 2008 v. November 3 2008:

The sidewalks on campus weren't made by a ruler, instead they twist and turn around old forgotten trees and ancient Native American paths. In the winter they sometimes disappear entirely. Within a few weeks of the semester beginning, we know how long it takes to get to class and which route is the fastest. But when the snow falls, Physical Plant's whims decide our routes. Sidewalks go missing for months while other paths are created.

I lived in 609 Emerson my first year, before there was a path from the most-used door. Instead, we created a packed snow trail from the door to the nearest sidewalk. Within days it had become a solid ice-slide and made for many perilous journeys to meals. A new dusting of snow would only create another layer of ice that took weeks in the spring to melt.

My winter boots have been near my door for a few weeks but I truly needed them this morning as I made my way to class, past the library and Eaton Chapel to WAC. I pounded my feet off on the slushy steps and unwrapped my face as my sunglasses fogged up in the warmth of the building's lobby. The glittery snow looks beautiful right now under street lamp and moonlight, especially through a closed window.

Final countdown:
Papers: 2
Exams: 1
Projects: 2
Dinner's at a Professor's house: 1
Days until back in California: 16

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